BJB translucent dyes are recommended when color is needed in a clear system without impacting the clarity of part. Some applications include taillight lenses, tinted glass replication and gem replicas. In some cases, adding too much pigment may cause the material to become opaque, especially with darker colors. We recommend testing a 100gr mass with loading of 0.5 - 1% of total weight of A and B to start and adjust as needed. This will be a good representation of the color tone and transparency that the resin will have before working on a larger scale.
BJB does not recommend using dyes in filled or systems that cure opaque. A translucent dye is not as efficient as an opaque pigment and will require a much higher loading to reach the desired color. BJB recommends the 6800 series pigments for use in opaque systems. Regardless of the system, it is always advisable to test a small sample of material to evaluate how it responds to coloration.