The Best Notched Trowel for Epoxy Work
The Stone Coat Countertops 1/8” Square Notch Trowel brings consistency and quality in your project. You can be sure that the notches are the right depth (or height) for spreading epoxy evenly. So, if you want to guarantee the perfect thickness of epoxy, look no further!
Unfortunately, it’s hard to find a trowel like this at a hardware store. Most of them are geared specifically toward mortar for tiles or other uses. And, while you may be able to find a tile trowel in the 1/8” size, it may be harder to work with.
Benefits of the Stone Coat Epoxy Notched Trowel
Epoxy must be poured (and spread) at a specific thickness. If it’s not, your table, countertops, floors, or other project will be uneven and difficult to live with. Notched trowels guarantee consistent thickness every time!
And, although notched towels leave lines in the epoxy (as they do in mortar or adhesive), they don’t stick around. The lines left by our 1/8” square notch trowel will dissipate relatively well over time on their own. However, we recommend “chopping” out those lines with a Chop Brush to eliminate any uniform, wavy looks.