Our new silicone putty is an easy to use, 1:1 mix ratio, non-toxic, platinum cure silicone putty that is mixed by hand and pressed against a surface to create an impression. Working time is 4-8 minutes at ~80F. Demolds in ~30 minutes at 80F. Cures to 35A-40A. Self releasing, but Eject-it 33 may be used for glass surfaces or other clean metal surfaces where bonding may occur.
Important! This is an addition cure (platinum catalyzed) system. As such, it can be heat accelerated and is subject to inhibition/poisoning by the usual factors which include (but are not limited to) sulfur, sulfur compounds and amines. A test cure is recommended for untested surfaces.
While 6569 can be mixed with clean dry hands (use your palms not your fingers) we recommend coating your hands with a slight amount of mineral oil or petroleum jelly.