TC-266 A/B ‘PolySoft 1’ is a two-component, flexible polyurethane foam. The cured material feels similar to a soft furniture cushion. BJB’s 6800 Series Pigments may be added to the “B” side for developing a wide range of colors. End users can adjust firmness with a slight ratio change as listed below. Common applications are prototypes, prosthetics, medical training devices, movie special effects props and more. This material is frequently molded behind flexible polyurethane skin materials such as BJB’s SkinFlex line or other BJB elastomers.
Note: TC-266 at a ratio of 50/100 pbw produces a soft, open cell, quick recovery foam with a density of 3 pounds. At 30/100 pbw, the result will be a softer, open cell, slower recovery foam with a density of 5 pounds.
Worktime | Demold Time | Ratio pbw(pbv) |
15-20 seconds | 20-30 minutes | 50/100 pbw |